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Diamond rings

Diamond rings
In this section, our visitors can get information about some of our products related to the type of "Women's rings". Ora Legendo specialists perform three main types of women's rings, according to the complexity of manufacturing and pretentiousness – these are simple rings, complex rings and exclusive rings. Simple rings often do not contain precious stones, or contain, but the stones are attached to simple types of fastening and are distinguished by their external simplicity. The price for manufacturing products of this type does not exceed 250 euros. Complex rings have a decorated tire, may have an unusual shape and expensive jewels of unusual shape, put on complex types of fastening. We carry out such types of tack like “Pave”, “Channel setting”, “Karmazynowy castes”, “open mounting castes”, etc. Exclusive rings are the highest form of jewelry craftsmanship, usually made according to a brand catalog, or from an individual idea of the client.

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